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Pre-Season Checklist

Here's a checklist of items you'll need before you join us on the field:


  • Pocketless shorts or pants (required)​

    • Shorts or pants can be any length, but they need to be pocketless and should not have any striping that could be confused with the flags. 

      • We know these can be difficult to find so we've got these available for you in our Shorts Online Store

      • If you want to get your own, look for running, soccer, or rugby style of shorts

  • Triple Threat Flags (required)​

    • Flags must be triple threat flags, not pop flags. The league will have extra flags you can purchase from us at the fields. You can buy flags on Amazon or Shruumz  

  • Cleats (recommended)

    • Cleats are very handy to maintain optimal field traction. Cleats must be plastic. You won't be allowed to play with metal or spiked cleats! Here are a few options: Amazon, Dick's, Big 5.​


  • Football gloves (recommended)

    • In our game everyone has the opportunity to catch the ball. So even if you don't think you'll be a receiver you still might be thrown the ball. Good football gloves will help give you traction on the ball.​


  • Sun protection (recommended)

    • When we play during the day, it can get pretty harsh being out on the field for a couple hours. Be kind to your skin and remember to bring sunscreen, hats (ball caps can be worn during play, but they need to be turned backwards), or other shade devices.


The Cascade Flag Football Association (CFFA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, inclusive flag football league in Seattle, WA and a part of the National Gay Flag Football League (NGFFL)

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