The following guidelines will be followed by the Cascade Flag Football Association (CFFA) in the conduction of its programs while under the state of Washington's COVID-19 requirements - School and Non-school Youth Sports Indoor and Outdoor and Adult Recreation Team Sports and Outdoor policy, Phase 2.
Per these requirements, flag football is defined as a "Moderate risk sport".
This plan has been drafted based on guidance from the State of Washington, the CDC, the ADA, and the WIAA (specific sources provided in end notes):
Facial coverings will be required for all coaches, volunteers and athletes at all times and must be worn at all times.
Players will be encouraged to wear their own masks, but CFFA will provide masks for use by players when needed.
The rule making the use of face-coverings illegal under the NGFFL Rule Book will not be enforced under these guidelines.
​Outdoor training, practices and competitions will be allowed for outdoor for low, moderate, and high risk sports with a maximum of 200 people allowed at competitions, including spectators.
Physical distance of 6 feet must be maintained between staff, volunteers, and any spectators at all times with exceptions for training and medical personnel and volunteers performing their medical duties.
Six feet of distance must be maintained among athletes when not engaged in sporting activities, huddles and team meetings must be physically distanced.
Per the guidelines, facilities or complexes with more than one field or area of play will have a maximum of 75 people allowed per field or area of play, including spectators.
All spectators of different households are to remain physically distant, 6 feet or more, as much as possible. - Indoor team training, practices, and competitions allowed for low and moderate risk sports.
Neither officials or volunteers will be expected to monitor and enforce physical distancing; each person is responsible for their own conduct.
CFFA will provide hand sanitizer that has 60-95% alcohol content, or soap and water for player, referee, and volunteer for good hygiene practice including washing their hands frequently and covering their sneezes and coughs, or after touching shared objects.
CFFA will be responsible to ensure that all high touch surfaces will be cleaned and will disinfect shared equipment before and after each use.
Specific to CFFA: flag belts (focus on belt closures and the actual flags), footballs, referee pucks, and field markers (cones, yardage markers, etc.).
Current CDC guidance for cleaning and disinfection for COVID-19 states that disinfectants should be registered by the EPA for use against the COVID-19. The current list is available here: List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).
Disinfectants based on hydrogen peroxide or alcohol are safer than harsher chemicals.
The University of Washington has a handout with options for safer cleaning and disinfecting products that work well against COVID-19.
There will be no tournaments allowed for moderate and high risk sports. A prohibition on tournaments for sporting activities does not include postseason, playoff, state or regional championship competitions with no more than four teams at one site sanctioned by a statewide interscholastic activities administrative and rulemaking body that oversees competition in all counties in the state.
Athletes, coaches, umpires/referees, spectators and any other paid or volunteer staff are asked to stay home if they feel unwell, show any signs of COVID-19, or are a close contact of a confirmed case.
All coaches and players will be screened for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 prior to a workout. Screening should consider symptoms listed by the CDC.
Any person with symptoms of COVID-19 or who is a close contact of someone with confirmed COVID-19 will not be allowed to participate and should contact his or her primary care provider or other appropriate health-care professional.
These individuals must follow DOH and local public health isolation and quarantine guidance before returning to training or contests.
People with underlying health conditions should consult with their medical provider regarding participation in athletic activities.
During games, the head referee will provide sufficient time between plays, after scores, during time outs (official, team, or otherwise), half-time, and other play stoppage to ensure that safety guidelines are met by all players.
While under these guidelines, CFFA will not provide common water or food for players, referees, or volunteers. Individuals will be encouraged to bring their own. Athletes should not share water bottles, uniforms, towels, or snacks and should not spit (saliva, sunflower seeds, etc.).
CFFA will keep a roster of every athlete, staff and volunteer present at each practice, training session, and contest to assist with contact tracing in the event of a possible exposure. Attendance rosters and seating charts must be kept on file for 28 days after the practice, contest, or trip. This information will be made available for Contact Tracking if it becomes necessary.
As a volunteer-based organization, CFFA does not have any active employees, rather individuals who donate their time and skills to provide the programming of our organization. This documentation will be provided to these individuals, including referees and program-specific volunteers electronically in English.
Should any of these individuals request the document be provided in a different language, CFFA will provide the document in that language with best effort translation service.
Additionally CFFA will ensure all football operations follow the main Labor & Industries COVID-19 requirements to protect workers. COVID-19 workplace and safety requirements can be found here.
The CFFA COVID-19 Supervisor will be Brian Hawker.
Non-essential travel such as out-of-state team or individual travel for sporting activities are subject to quarantines as detailed in the Governor’s Travel Advisory.